Shutters & Shuttles

Blog roll TTT

I am just in the mood for blogging today! Since it’s 12:16AM on Tuesday and I am waiting for my 3rd batch of test swatches to dye, I figured I might as well do my Ten Things Tuesday! Woop, woop!
1. These pretty dress prints:
2. This cute Blog. I participated in the Valentine’s day card swap so I will post the cards I get as well as the one I sent out the Monday after V-day. Wouldn’t want to spoil the surprise for anyone who might be receiving my valentine this year :)
3. Anything but ordinary pasta– mmm chocolate:
(found here)
4. This photo set on Flickr
5. Capes and Ponchos
6. Feathers and Flowers
(All images from here)
7. Umbrellas
(1st , 2nd, 3rd and 4th shot by my in-laws, Rebecca and Taylor)
8. Bicycles
(Especially riding bikes through Antwerp. Photos by me)
9. Neon lights
(Photos 1 & 2 by me, 3)
10. Blowing on dandelions
(Via ffffound and flickr)
Well, that took much longer than anticipated! Fabric is done, now time for bed! Goodnight!